04 January 2025

THANK YOU to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this year's Christmas Eve event a success, and to all who came along to join in.  The Cathedral looked spectacular and the weather held!

Particular thanks to William Mather who masterminded the event, to Lorna and Brian Skinner and Isabel Patterson for the beautiful music, to the "Ad Hoc" choir who led the singing and to the Tonkin family for all their contributions, and of course, to our Father Christmas and all his helpers!

The collection raised more than £700, with a donation earmarked for Shopmobility Highland (a charity providing electric scooters, wheelchairs and other hellp for those who find accessing the shops difficult).  We are also hoping to use some of the koney to buy a few more Christmas lamp-post lights ready for next year, especially for Fortrose High Street.

Thank you again to MARY GALLOWAY for kindly donating the magnificent tree for Cathedral Square, and to David Guthrie, Bob Latimer, David Grigor and Nick Lake for putting the tree and the lights up - and crucially, for taking them down before Twelfth Night!  (The random handful which stay up all year belong to the Council, in case you were wondering, and we spotted a couple more this year for which we are grateful!).

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