

Meetings will usually take place via Zoom. If you wish to attend, we will need your email address so that we can send a link on the day of the meeting. To request the link, please email your name and address to fortroseandrosemarkie@gmail.com stating that you agree to this community council retaining the information for community engagement purposes.

Next meeting: Wednesday 7th August 2024 at 7pm via Zoom

Minutes of last meeting here.  

Telephone enquiries can left as voice messages or texts on 07498 431476.


DRAFT AGENDA - 7/8/24 

1        Welcome and apologies

2        Minutes of the last meeting

3        Matters arising

4        Points from the public/correspondence

5        Police Report

6        Treasurer’s report

7        Planning

8        Licensing

9        Community Issues/consultations

9.1      Coastal erosion

9.2      Common Good

9.3      Chanonry Point

9.4      Traffic/Parking

9.5      Public transport

9.6      Christmas lights

9.7      St Boniface Fair report

9.8      RAFT

9.9      Young Councillors update

9.10    ROGS

10       Community meetings

10.1     Place Plan

10.2     BICC

10.3     BIT

10.4     BIP

11        AOB

12        Date of next meeting



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